uCertify offers the latest CompTIA Linux+ XK0-004 certification prep. This course comes with labs that provide hands-on experience in configuring, monitoring, and supporting the servers that run the Linux operating system. The course provides complete coverage of certification exam objectives and focuses on security, storage, and visualization; kernel modules, device management, networking and firewalls; git and automation, server-side and command line; SELinux, and more.

The new CompTIA Linux+ certification is specially designed for an IT pro working in an organization that uses Linux in cloud, cybersecurity, mobile and web administration applications. Candidates are required to pass XK0-004 to earn the certification. It is the only job-focused Linux certification that covers the latest foundational skills demanded by hiring managers. Upon earning this certification, candidates gain skills in:
- Security
- Automation & Scripting
- Hardware & System Configuration
- System Operation & Maintenance
- Linux Troubleshooting & Diagnostics
This certification is proof of your expertise to use Linux in today’s tech environment and in jobs such as systems administrator, network administrator, web administrator, Linux software developers, and so on.
uCertify has developed an award-winning, yet simple to use platform. Our courses are full of interactive activities that make learning more interesting for students. It brings all available learning resources for a topic to one place so that students can learn efficiently. Challenge questions are also added in the chapters and students can do flashcards, exercises, quizzes, and Labs related to each chapter to test their knowledge on a particular topic. This helps them understand concepts better because they can go over the chapters again right away which improves learning.
So, do you want to be a CompTIA Linux+ certified professional? Start your prep for the Linux+ certification exam today with uCertify’s CompTIA Linux+ Study Guide!